Monday, 11 March 2013

And whoosh, another three months goes by like a rocket. Christmas behind us and the summer’s ahead. I hope everyone is keeping happy.

I’m getting ready for a short course I'll be running soon. It's taking place at West Dean College in May (24th - 27th) and I am really looking forward to it. It’s called Freelance Photography for Journalism and should be fun.

West Dean is one of those charming places that has an atmosphere that just seems to inspire. Last time I taught there, some students who lived nearby came daily, but one or two took the residential option. Yes, you can actually stay in this amazing castle / mansion / country house! The food’s good too!

I’d be grateful if you could spread the good word about the course to any of your friends. here’s the website address.

Meanwhile, here's a stock photo I took in the New Forest a couple of years ago, on another assignment, that The Guardian used this weekend. Yes, I was happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew, great pic. Your students may be interested in this:

    Cheers Nick
