Monday, 11 June 2012

Hit and Myth

I was delighted to get an email from former student Judith Ricketts a couple of days ago, letting me know that one of her pictures had made the front page of the Argus here in Brighton. I cannot tell you how pleased and proud I was. Here it is for you all to enjoy......

As you can see, the paper had a ten-page Jubilee picture special and Judith tells me she had a few in there as well, so well done you! Great picture...perfect for the front page.

She mentioned that she had not been given a photo byline, which is a bit disappointing. Apparently, someone had told her she would get a credit, which certainly surprised me. I remember The Argus asking to use some of my pictures for a feature over twenty years ago. I was told that not only would they not pay me, but that it was actually company policy not to credit any non-staff photographers.

This kind of treatment by publishers can be very annoying; it's a nice feeling to see your name next to your photo and, let's face it, credit should be given where it is due. However, I would encourage Judith not to feel bad about this; it will have no impact whatsoever on any future commissions.

I get asked on average once a week if I will give away one of my photos to a publication in exchange for a byline, the implication from these "customers" is that a credit is as good as currency; that if my name is printed next to their free photo, the work will start rolling in. "We can't pay," they usually say, "but we will give you a credit."

The idea that work will naturally follow after a picture byline appears in print is a myth. In almost thirty years it has never, ever happened for me or any other professional photographer with whom I have discussed this issue.

Anyway, enough about that. Judith made the front page and that's all that matters. Congratulations!

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