Thursday, 27 January 2011

Tony Dorey "Doing pretty good"

Following the last blog update, I was delighted to get an update from Tony Dorey, a student from the first course in April 2010......

> I think it's about time I filled you in on progress since the course - and the good news is, I'm doing pretty good!

As you know, I came to the course as a home studio photographer with little experience in any other kind of photography. If I didn't have studio lights, I wasn't in my comfort zone. Your course took me away from that kind of thinking, to stop specializing and to try different aspects of photography. Now I really enjoy macro work and architectural photos! (Macro sample attached).

I of course still do the studio side of things but your course inspired my studio work more than I thought possible. I think about the images I take now, and the results are astounding to say the least. I have 12 family sessions booked in, 2 local bands, and more to squeeze in somewhere along the way. I have covered weddings with great success and even my partner has taken up an interest.

Big news is I am having a large studio built in my back garden for a more permanent place to work and I am having large schools asking me to quote for their prospectus photos.

I have attached some jpegs to show how I have progressed with photography (and the business behind it). Without this course, I'd still be 'snapping' studio shots instead of making photographs. You opened my eyes, made me think a little more and whilst I have no prints sold to the papers or mags, I have sold thousands to peoples homes for hanging. I now have the end goal in sight and it's looking very good.

Thanks Andrew!

Andrew replies: Wow! That's amazing, well done. Now everyone.....check out these fantastic photos Tony has sent me......

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