Sunday, 26 September 2010

Maria's News

Just recieved this email from Maria.....

HI Andrew

Thanks for creating this blog - its great to be able to catch up with everyone.  I have signed in but am not sure how to add to the blog - so I'll tell you my news here.  I am going to exhibit a few photos as part of a group called Flash Fiction for the Photo fringe biennial.  We've got a website - and will be showing our work in the Lord Nelson pub on Trafalger Street Brighton throughout October.  If you could add this for people to see on the blog that would be great and if you get a chance to pop in then do let me know what you think.  Were having a few drinks on the opening night - Thursday 30 September from 6.30.  If you are passing it would be lovely to see you. 

Other progress - well, not much I'm sad to say. :( I went to NY with my 2 boys for 5 days at the end of August and have taken loads of pics - going to sort through those and others I have and really try & get something accepted by Alamy. 

Hope all is well with you

best wishes


Andrew replies:

Hi Maria......You can't add to the blog directly, I'm afraid. Just write to me and I'll upload it.
I'm sure there must be a way to do it, but I can't find out how!
Did you get the date of your exhibition wrong? October 30th is a Saturday.
Keep it up.....don't give up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria. Well done on showing your photographs. I had a look at the website, super photographs. I wish I lived closer so I could see them in person. Helen and I love New York City. I would be interested to see your photographic take on the city. Are you on Flickr?. Below the link to my NYC pics. Nice to hear from you. Kim Freeman
